This is a summery that I have written on a book titled, “Crunch Point”, by Brian Tracy. I hope you can find useful information here.
IntroductionNo matter where you are in your life or business right now, you have had hard times, when it seemed absolutely impossible to move on any further. And you are going to have the same all throughout your personal and professional life.
You might face financial problems; you might have problems with your relationships; or you might have problems with your family. No matter which of the above happens to you, they are all similar in nature, and could be tackled efficiently with the right and supporting mindset.
You may be an organized person and have everything in place in case anything happens in the future. But no matter how organized you are, there are always circumstances nobody knows about until they happen. People you might depend highly on, could die, a major income stream of yours could all dry up due to some reason you would not like at all, but it might happen, and a lot of similar situations.
Now the question is, how are you going to handle the different situations in your life, so you always live reasonably happily and come out of every situation in your life with a higher level of knowledge and maturity?
Between 1934 and 1961, the historian Arnold Toynbee wrote his twelve-volume series, A Study of History, in which he examined the rise and fall of twenty-six civilizations over 3,000 years. Much of what he discovered applies to our lives and businesses as well, since there are similar trends in history that keep repeating themselves as time goes on. He developed the Challenge Response Theory of History based on his research. He discovered that every civilization began as a small tribe or group of people suddenly faced with a challenge from the outside, usually another group or tribe. In business, the other group could be our business rivals or competitors, or the unexpected changes taking place in the marketplace.
Toynbee found that in order for them to survive, the leader constantly had to reorganize the tribe according to the challenges faced, and move on. If the leader made the right decisions, and took the right actions, the tribe would get through the situation, stronger than before. In the process of growing, they would have to confront other tribes, rise to the challenge they initiated themselves, and keep moving on. It is very interesting to note that there were even very small tribes, but because constantly made the right decisions, and took the right actions, eventually became a kingdom, or even large civilizations, controlling vast lands, treasures, and people.
From the time you start in business, you inevitably have to confront problems, and they will never end. The universe reorganizes itself in a way that you have problems to solve every single day. We can call them problems, challenges, opportunities that let us learn and grow, or whatever else we may want to call them, but they are here to stay. We can’t predict them, but we can choose how we are going to deal with them. The only part of the equation that is in our control is our response to the challenge.
You see, life without challenges would not mean anything, although we all are constantly trying to get to the point where there are no more problems. As we go along and deal with seemingly different situations, we grow in knowledge, wisdom, experience, and maturity. There is no end to this process though. Friedriche Nietzsche once wrote, “What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.”
The key to living a reasonably happy life is to be able to rise to the challenge, and apply your solution right on time. If your solution works, it is great. If not, while focusing on finding the right solution, and not the problem, you should find another solution that you think it works, and apply it. If again your solution does not work, find another one. You should keep repeating this process until one of your solutions works. In the process of devising solutions to different problems, you will automatically add different tools to your life toolbox, and you can apply them to your future challenges, if you think they are similar in nature to your past ones.
All the leaders probably have one characteristic in common. They are able to function well in a crisis. They single-mindedly focus on the solution and the specific actions they can take to solve the problem. Leadership could be defined as the ability to solve problems, of all kinds, including huge problems that arise suddenly and unexpectedly.
The good news is that you do have the ability to solve any kind of problem that you face in your life. There is no problem in the world that you can’t solve, if you apply your intelligence and sometimes your intuition. There are 21 secrets that if you apply them to your day to day lives, you will tackle complex problems much easier. I will tell you about them in subsequent articles. Please stay tuned. I will update this article every day.