If you pay close attention to what is going on around you, you will notice common trends in society. These trends keep repeating themselves in every society at all times, and many of them have survived from the time human beings came into existence. Some businesses do better than others in certain localities.
Some people do better than others having the same businesses. Some people have better lives than others in the same society. Some just want to get rid of their problems, and never even let themselves dream about having a better life. Some people already have good lives, but they constantly work on improving every aspect of their lives. And many more common trends you notice in society.
Why do you think some make more money than those who have the same business, having the same customers, at exactly the same time, and under the very same circumstances?
Why do you think some are more successful than others in their personal lives? You might reply that they have more money than others. But where did they get the money from in the first place, and how did they manage to maintain it in these risky times? Were they all born with a silver spoon in their mouths?
Once you have the right answer to these questions, you will have as much money, happiness, and success as they have, or even more, and you may start to think about doing something no one has ever done before.
All the sentences above and their true meaning could be labeled as leadership and those who manage to do so are called leaders.
The good news is that all leaders have had certain qualities, character traits, or skills in common, and they are all learnable. With a little bit of persistence and trying, anyone can learn those skills, and be a leader themselves.
Although learning anything is easy and anyone can learn anything, being a leader is not very easy. You have to walk your talk to be a leader. You already realize that the best way to teach something is by doing it yourself. It takes discipline, determination, persistence, and perseverance to achieve anything in life. But how is it that some people have dedicated a large portion of their lives to specific causes, if not their whole lives, to achieve something, realizing in the beginning that although it was so hard to achieve what they set out for, they would not be benefited much, if at all they could achieve their objectives after a long time. They had very good and strong reasons for doing what they had to do, a reason that really made all the sense in the world to them. You cannot be a leader unless you have a great reason for yourself to start something. That reason is your why. Your why helps you to hang in there when it gets too hard to go forward, or to hold your ground. It is simply the reason why you will not quit no matter what.
You must have heard of the law of cause and effect. It simply states that for every action there is a reaction. With regards to the topic under discussion here, it says that success is not an accident. Financial success, for instance, is the result of doing certain things or causes, in a certain way, over and over again, until you get the results, or the effects, that you desire.
The good news is that nature is neutral. It does not play favorites. You could generalize the concept of nature here, to the marketplace, the society, or even the economy. They do not care who you are, what you are, or where you come from. As long as you take the same actions that others have taken before, and have attained some specific results, you as well will get those specific results, if you do not tamper with the order, and with the totality of them.
Whether you like it or not, you are going to get the results that your current actions are causing you to get. Consciously or unconsciously, you are already taking a specific set of actions, in a specific order, on a day-to-day basis. If you like the results you are getting now, keep doing what you have been doing, and if not, change the causes, and you will change your results. This is simply how the law of cause and effect works in your life.
Many people sell themselves short, and cause themselves underachievement and lack of financial success for the simple reason that they think those who are doing better than them, are actually better than them. This is simply not the case. Nobody is better than you, and nobody is smarter than you.
The fact is that most successful people, let’s say in this case, the financially successful, are average people, with average educations, working at average jobs, living in average neighborhoods, in average houses, and driving average cars, but they have found what the financially successful do, and they have done the same things over and over again, until they have attained the results they were after. Once you do the same things, you too will begin to have the results you want to have sometime down the road.
There are simple principles that have been used, tested, and proven over a long period of time, maybe since the time human beings came into existence, and if you learn them, and apply them to your life, your life will change forever. Learning those principles is easy. You can learn them just as you learned to ride a bicycle, or drive a car. Remember that you did not learn how to ride a bicycle upon your first try. You kept trying and trying until you got it right. You never gave up for the simple reason that you believed you could do it. Failure was not an option. Is that not true?
There are 21 principles of success:
Dream big dreams.
Develop a clear sense of direction.
See yourself as self-employed.
Do what you love to do.
Commit to excellence.
Develop a workaholic mentality.
Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.
Always save a percentage of your monthly income, and try to increase the percentage over time.
Learn every detail of your business.
Dedicate yourself to serving others.
Be impeccably honest.
Set priority on your activities and concentrate single-mindedly on one thing at a time.
Develop a reputation for speed and dependability.
Be prepared to climb from peak to peak in your life, and in your career.
Practice self-discipline.
Unlock your inborn creativity.
Surround yourself with the right people.
Take excellent care of your physical health.
Be decisive and action-oriented.
Never consider the possibility of failure.
Back everything you do with the twin qualities of persistence and determination.
Every single one of the above qualities must be learned and practiced on a day-to-day basis until they are second nature to you, like breathing in and breathing out. Remember that life is all about sacrificing what is less important for what is more important, and also sacrificing what is important for what is urgent. We cannot try to achieve everything all at once, but we can try and accomplish what is really important right now. The only thing you need to do is to learn to manage yourself in time, and make the best use of your life.
I hope there has been something new for you in this article. Thank you for your attention. Stay tuned.
Why do you think some make more money than those who have the same business, having the same customers, at exactly the same time, and under the very same circumstances?
Why do you think some are more successful than others in their personal lives? You might reply that they have more money than others. But where did they get the money from in the first place, and how did they manage to maintain it in these risky times? Were they all born with a silver spoon in their mouths?
Once you have the right answer to these questions, you will have as much money, happiness, and success as they have, or even more, and you may start to think about doing something no one has ever done before.
All the sentences above and their true meaning could be labeled as leadership and those who manage to do so are called leaders.
The good news is that all leaders have had certain qualities, character traits, or skills in common, and they are all learnable. With a little bit of persistence and trying, anyone can learn those skills, and be a leader themselves.
Although learning anything is easy and anyone can learn anything, being a leader is not very easy. You have to walk your talk to be a leader. You already realize that the best way to teach something is by doing it yourself. It takes discipline, determination, persistence, and perseverance to achieve anything in life. But how is it that some people have dedicated a large portion of their lives to specific causes, if not their whole lives, to achieve something, realizing in the beginning that although it was so hard to achieve what they set out for, they would not be benefited much, if at all they could achieve their objectives after a long time. They had very good and strong reasons for doing what they had to do, a reason that really made all the sense in the world to them. You cannot be a leader unless you have a great reason for yourself to start something. That reason is your why. Your why helps you to hang in there when it gets too hard to go forward, or to hold your ground. It is simply the reason why you will not quit no matter what.
You must have heard of the law of cause and effect. It simply states that for every action there is a reaction. With regards to the topic under discussion here, it says that success is not an accident. Financial success, for instance, is the result of doing certain things or causes, in a certain way, over and over again, until you get the results, or the effects, that you desire.
The good news is that nature is neutral. It does not play favorites. You could generalize the concept of nature here, to the marketplace, the society, or even the economy. They do not care who you are, what you are, or where you come from. As long as you take the same actions that others have taken before, and have attained some specific results, you as well will get those specific results, if you do not tamper with the order, and with the totality of them.
Whether you like it or not, you are going to get the results that your current actions are causing you to get. Consciously or unconsciously, you are already taking a specific set of actions, in a specific order, on a day-to-day basis. If you like the results you are getting now, keep doing what you have been doing, and if not, change the causes, and you will change your results. This is simply how the law of cause and effect works in your life.
Many people sell themselves short, and cause themselves underachievement and lack of financial success for the simple reason that they think those who are doing better than them, are actually better than them. This is simply not the case. Nobody is better than you, and nobody is smarter than you.
The fact is that most successful people, let’s say in this case, the financially successful, are average people, with average educations, working at average jobs, living in average neighborhoods, in average houses, and driving average cars, but they have found what the financially successful do, and they have done the same things over and over again, until they have attained the results they were after. Once you do the same things, you too will begin to have the results you want to have sometime down the road.
There are simple principles that have been used, tested, and proven over a long period of time, maybe since the time human beings came into existence, and if you learn them, and apply them to your life, your life will change forever. Learning those principles is easy. You can learn them just as you learned to ride a bicycle, or drive a car. Remember that you did not learn how to ride a bicycle upon your first try. You kept trying and trying until you got it right. You never gave up for the simple reason that you believed you could do it. Failure was not an option. Is that not true?
There are 21 principles of success:
Dream big dreams.
Develop a clear sense of direction.
See yourself as self-employed.
Do what you love to do.
Commit to excellence.
Develop a workaholic mentality.
Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.
Always save a percentage of your monthly income, and try to increase the percentage over time.
Learn every detail of your business.
Dedicate yourself to serving others.
Be impeccably honest.
Set priority on your activities and concentrate single-mindedly on one thing at a time.
Develop a reputation for speed and dependability.
Be prepared to climb from peak to peak in your life, and in your career.
Practice self-discipline.
Unlock your inborn creativity.
Surround yourself with the right people.
Take excellent care of your physical health.
Be decisive and action-oriented.
Never consider the possibility of failure.
Back everything you do with the twin qualities of persistence and determination.
Every single one of the above qualities must be learned and practiced on a day-to-day basis until they are second nature to you, like breathing in and breathing out. Remember that life is all about sacrificing what is less important for what is more important, and also sacrificing what is important for what is urgent. We cannot try to achieve everything all at once, but we can try and accomplish what is really important right now. The only thing you need to do is to learn to manage yourself in time, and make the best use of your life.
I hope there has been something new for you in this article. Thank you for your attention. Stay tuned.
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