Thursday, December 23, 2010

Be Kind for Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle

Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. This was once said by Plato. It is very beautiful and meaningful.

Sometimes life proves to be unfair. Things do not work the way you want them to. No matter how much you try, you have to try even more, and you cannot get things to the way they were.

You have experienced such times in your life one time or another. People get laid off. People lose their loved ones. People have to leave each other, etc.

All these situations represent change in our lives, which by the way in most cases we do not like very much. We want things to stay the same all the time. But that is not the case, and it is only through changing that we can learn and grow.

Some people anticipate change, some embrace it when it arrives, and like it, and some hate it. No matter what your attitude toward change, it is here to stay, so we had better like and enjoy it, otherwise we cannot be happy.

No matter what the change or the nature of it, you will go through a process of transformation, and you will have become the change once the process is over.

It is sometimes too hard to stay on track while you are going through some kind of change, and you need to know how to maintain yourself so you can keep moving forward.

One of the very valuable resources you can use at such times is your friends, family, your contacts, and those who love you.

Sometimes you do not need any material thing; you would not be satisfied even if you were given the whole world. Sometimes you simply need someone to listen to you, to talk to, and to share with them. Sometimes you need someone who listens to you without being any judgemental. And when you need it, nothing in the whole world can be traded for it.

If you want to have people in your life that care for you, you need to care for people first. In other words, you need to pay it forward. You need to be there for those who need you, treat them as you would like to be treated if you were in their shoes, care for them, and really connect with them. People around you are the most valuable resource in your life. You are going to need them all throughout your life.

It is simple to have good and nurturing relationships. Whenever you meet with someone, pretend as if you were meeting with the most important person on the planet, and you are on your way to becoming a relationship wizard.

Thank you for reading. I would appreciate your comments.

All The Answers Are Already Within You

We all face problems in our lives that paralyze us one time or another, but all the answers are already within us. You can find them on cue if you believe they are there, and will not see them, if you believe not so.

When you have a problem, you must face it early on, or it grows in size and importance, and creeps into other areas of your life sooner or later. For example, if you have financial problems, you can start early in life, read books, take courses, join communities, or do whatever you can do to permanently solve the problem. If you put it off, as time goes by, it gets much more complicated, and much more difficult to tackle.

It is important to note that we have our own share of problems for each time period of our lives, and each must be dealt with on time. If not, they will be carried forward to the next stage of your life, and before you know it, you will have a pile of problems, and not much time to work with.

It is also important to note that problems are the best tools for us to learn and grow, and if you are looking for one, there is a seed of an opportunity in every problem that you face in your life.

All the answers you ever need all throughout your life, are already within you, no matter how complicated the situation. The only thing you need to know is how to go about solving your problems. you need to start gathering information from the inside, rather than relying on the outside sources.

You might not have the solutions to someone else's problems, but you definitely have the solutions to your own problems since they are your problems. You just need to keep looking for them, and trust the intuitive little voice inside you, although in many cases it seems to be totally irrelevant.

It is interesting to know that no matter where you are in your life, you are a perfect human being with all you ever need, integrated within you. Your whole life purpose is to realize this as a result of finding your own perfectness over time. It takes time, not because it has to, but because you think it has to. It is not about developing the skills you want to have or need to have; it is all about realizing the fact that you already have them all. You have heard it said that you cannot teach anybody something they know nothing about; you just remind them of what they already know. Patience, as you might already know, is your best friend in this process.

There is always something between you and whatever you want to have in your life, and it is always you coming in the way. Let the natural flow of life flow within you, and you will be a perfect manifestation of all you can be, or want to be in no time at all. All the answers are already within you.

Thank you for your attention.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tackle Your Problems

For a moment, close your eyes, clear your mind, and relax.

You must have a lot of things to take care of, or even a lot to worry about. It could be your kids, their future, your obligations, your bills, things around the house, your relationships, your financial life, etc.

Our minds are so good at finding faults with things, and start complaining about them, and once things get worse we suspect that they might endanger our personal lives. If we cannot do anything about them, we start worrying. Worrying creates the very kind of life you do not want to ever have!

This faculty of our minds to find faults with things that are not seemingly working now is really good and healthy if it is utilized in an empowering way. If we did not have this power, we never would move forward in our lives. But we need to train our minds, and take this to the next level on a day-to-day basis.

The point is that although it is very good to keep looking for the problems we see around us, it is not good to stop there. When you do not know about something that you identify as a problem, it does not harm you most of the time, although it may be someone's biggest problem in their life. But when you see something as a problem, and notice it in your personal life, you must take action to eliminate it from your life thoroughly, or it will stay there, grow in size and importance, and will take the peace and tranquility away from your personal life and as a result, from those in contact with you.

Once you have noticed the problem, and identified it, you must find the best solution available to you based on your situation, and take action on your solution immediately.

Perfectionism might want you to keep thinking for a better and a better solution, but that does not work. As soon as you have a solution that you think it works, or may work, or even might work, take action on it, and you will be amazed at how wonderfully the next steps will be shown to you as you go along.

It takes courage to take action in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Courage is like a muscle you have to keep working with until it is strong enough, and the action taking process is automatic.

Alway remind yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to.

Right now, there is within you the potential to be, have, or do anything you want. You just need to tap into your inner power reservoir, and look for more as you go along.

Do not limit yourself even to the extent of your imagination. You can achieve far more than you can imagine. You can achieve anything even if you cannot imagine it yet.

So, here is a little exercise for you.

Identify one of the problems, that has stayed with you from the past six months, and you have not taken appropriate action to eliminate it.

Try to see the problem as it is. Do not make it any bigger than it already is. Try to detach the emotions you have attached to it. For a moment, forget about your emotions about that particular problem, so you can glean the facts out of the situation. The best way to do this is to see yourself as an expert who has been hired to solve this problem for somebody else. If you were an expert in this area, how would you see the situation? What would be the facts you would see? What would be the emotions that your client would have attached to the situation? How would you separate the facts from the emotions?

Once you see the problem as it is, try to find a solution to the problem. Do not fall into the trap of being perfect. "Perfect" does not exist in this world. It might, in a perfect one. Find any solution, anything that pops into your head, and just do it. Do not try to over-analyze the situation. Just do something, anything.

Did you take action? How did it go? Great!

Still can't think of a solution? Do not worry. We will find you one.

Try to break your problem down to as many digestible chunks as possible, so solving each part is easier and possible for you. Now, try to find a solution to each of the chunks. Club the individual solutions together, and you have the one single solution to your main big problem. Problem solved!

I would appreciate your feedbacks. Have a wonderful time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Modeling Leaders

"What we need to do in modeling people is to find out the specific beliefs that cause them to represent the world in a way that allows them to take effective action. We need to find out exactly how they represent to themselves their experience of the world. What do they do visually in their minds? What do they say? What do they feel? Once again, if we produce the same messages in our bodies, we can produce similar results. That's what modeling is all about." -- Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins

Take Control of Your Destiny

No matter where you are in your life, one time in your life, you have had dreams, dreams about your ideal house, car, workplace, wife, children, the quality of your life, and your relationships. You may still have those dreams, or you may have forgotten them as time has gone by, or through the hardships of your life.

If you can awaken your dreams, keep dreaming them on a consistent basis, attach strong emotions to them, and get yourself to believe that you really can achieve them, you can achieve them. Everything you see around you today, including the technology we are using today, a great work of art, scinetific discoveries, inventions that have changed the world, has started as a dream in somebody's mind. Hadn't somebody dreamed about them, you wouldn't see any of them around you.

The point is that dreaming, even if it is not going to help us in our lives at all, does not cost anything. You probably know that you already are doing it. Worrying is a kind of dreaming. You dream that something really bad, something you really don't want to have in your life, is going to happen, you attach strong emotions to it, you review it in your mind over and over again, until you see it right before you in the world around you. Many people do this on a consistent basis, but do it unconsciously. So the whole story starts with taking control of our thoughts. Isn't it true that fully 99% of what you worry about, actually does happen in your life? If you looked at your life in the past, couldn't you realize that this pattern exists all throughout your life?

So you can decide what it is you really want to do with your life, form the dreams in your mind, or make a movie of that dream in your mind, go over that movie over and over again until you can see every detail in there as if it were some scene you were actually looking at with your own eyes. Once your mind movie is ready, you can start taking action, and actually realize that dream.

The important point here is that you can't afford to work for your whole life, realize your dream, whatever it is, and then realize that it is not really what you want. In other word, realize that it does not make you happy. If you choose your goals according to your values, according to who you really are, not only achieving the goal makes you happy, but also you will be happy along the way toward achieving your goal. You feel you are working toward something that is really important to you, something that really matters to you.

Some people have external locus of control. They are happy when others approve of them, and are not, if others don't like what they're doing. These people usually work toward others' goals, and neither they are happy along the way, nor are they happy once they attain what they set out for in the first place. Don't let this happen to you. Always remind yourself that nobody is better than you, and nobody is smarter than you. You are who you are, and you don't have to be like anybody else. You are perfect the way you are. Achieve your own goals. Don't work on others' goals.

Dreaming is an important part of having the kind of life you want to have, or the person you want to be. but you won't have any results unless you do something for what you want. According to the law of cause and effect, if you want something, you have to work for it, and nobody is going to do it for you. You are responsible. Plan ahead, and take massive action. Don't ever give up on your dreams. Believe you can do it, and YOU CAN DO IT. Thanks for reading. Have a great time. John Azh

Friday, October 8, 2010

Leadership Characteristics And Traits

If you pay close attention to what is going on around you, you will notice common trends in society. These trends keep repeating themselves in every society at all times, and many of them have survived from the time human beings came into existence. Some businesses do better than others in certain localities.
Some people do better than others having the same businesses. Some people have better lives than others in the same society. Some just want to get rid of their problems, and never even let themselves dream about having a better life. Some people already have good lives, but they constantly work on improving every aspect of their lives. And many more common trends you notice in society.
Why do you think some make more money than those who have the same business, having the same customers, at exactly the same time, and under the very same circumstances?
Why do you think some are more successful than others in their personal lives? You might reply that they have more money than others. But where did they get the money from in the first place, and how did they manage to maintain it in these risky times? Were they all born with a silver spoon in their mouths?
Once you have the right answer to these questions, you will have as much money, happiness, and success as they have, or even more, and you may start to think about doing something no one has ever done before.
All the sentences above and their true meaning could be labeled as leadership and those who manage to do so are called leaders.
The good news is that all leaders have had certain qualities, character traits, or skills in common, and they are all learnable. With a little bit of persistence and trying, anyone can learn those skills, and be a leader themselves.
Although learning anything is easy and anyone can learn anything, being a leader is not very easy. You have to walk your talk to be a leader. You already realize that the best way to teach something is by doing it yourself. It takes discipline, determination, persistence, and perseverance to achieve anything in life. But how is it that some people have dedicated a large portion of their lives to specific causes, if not their whole lives, to achieve something, realizing in the beginning that although it was so hard to achieve what they set out for, they would not be benefited much, if at all they could achieve their objectives after a long time. They had very good and strong reasons for doing what they had to do, a reason that really made all the sense in the world to them. You cannot be a leader unless you have a great reason for yourself to start something. That reason is your why. Your why helps you to hang in there when it gets too hard to go forward, or to hold your ground. It is simply the reason why you will not quit no matter what.
You must have heard of the law of cause and effect. It simply states that for every action there is a reaction. With regards to the topic under discussion here, it says that success is not an accident. Financial success, for instance, is the result of doing certain things or causes, in a certain way, over and over again, until you get the results, or the effects, that you desire.
The good news is that nature is neutral. It does not play favorites. You could generalize the concept of nature here, to the marketplace, the society, or even the economy. They do not care who you are, what you are, or where you come from. As long as you take the same actions that others have taken before, and have attained some specific results, you as well will get those specific results, if you do not tamper with the order, and with the totality of them.
Whether you like it or not, you are going to get the results that your current actions are causing you to get. Consciously or unconsciously, you are already taking a specific set of actions, in a specific order, on a day-to-day basis. If you like the results you are getting now, keep doing what you have been doing, and if not, change the causes, and you will change your results. This is simply how the law of cause and effect works in your life.
Many people sell themselves short, and cause themselves underachievement and lack of financial success for the simple reason that they think those who are doing better than them, are actually better than them. This is simply not the case. Nobody is better than you, and nobody is smarter than you.
The fact is that most successful people, let’s say in this case, the financially successful, are average people, with average educations, working at average jobs, living in average neighborhoods, in average houses, and driving average cars, but they have found what the financially successful do, and they have done the same things over and over again, until they have attained the results they were after. Once you do the same things, you too will begin to have the results you want to have sometime down the road.
There are simple principles that have been used, tested, and proven over a long period of time, maybe since the time human beings came into existence, and if you learn them, and apply them to your life, your life will change forever. Learning those principles is easy. You can learn them just as you learned to ride a bicycle, or drive a car. Remember that you did not learn how to ride a bicycle upon your first try. You kept trying and trying until you got it right. You never gave up for the simple reason that you believed you could do it. Failure was not an option. Is that not true?
There are 21 principles of success:
Dream big dreams.
Develop a clear sense of direction.
See yourself as self-employed.
Do what you love to do.
Commit to excellence.
Develop a workaholic mentality.
Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.
Always save a percentage of your monthly income, and try to increase the percentage over time.
Learn every detail of your business.
Dedicate yourself to serving others.
Be impeccably honest.
Set priority on your activities and concentrate single-mindedly on one thing at a time.
Develop a reputation for speed and dependability.
Be prepared to climb from peak to peak in your life, and in your career.
Practice self-discipline.
Unlock your inborn creativity.
Surround yourself with the right people.
Take excellent care of your physical health.
Be decisive and action-oriented.
Never consider the possibility of failure.
Back everything you do with the twin qualities of persistence and determination.
Every single one of the above qualities must be learned and practiced on a day-to-day basis until they are second nature to you, like breathing in and breathing out. Remember that life is all about sacrificing what is less important for what is more important, and also sacrificing what is important for what is urgent. We cannot try to achieve everything all at once, but we can try and accomplish what is really important right now. The only thing you need to do is to learn to manage yourself in time, and make the best use of your life.
I hope there has been something new for you in this article. Thank you for your attention. Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Be Confident In Your Abilities

Unfortunate incidents happen a lot in our lives. At least it is how we perceive or interpret some of the things that happen to us. No matter how strong you are, there are times you can not deal with the situation, and think that you are the most unfortunate person on earth. But the fact is that such incidents happen to all of us most of the time, and that is what actually makes us stronger as we go through life.
Have you ever seen those who have no place to sleep, nothing to eat, no education, no security, and no insurance at all? I see many of them every single day. While we work on improving ourselves on a day to day basis, we can keep in mind that we are really fortunate to have whatever we have in our lives, and that we should be grateful.
But our minds usually tend to focus on what we don't have, rather than what we do have, and that is what keeps us from living our lives to the fullest.

Here are some points you can take into consideration regarding this topic:
No matter what happens, remind yourself that you are competent and intelligent enough, and that you can resolve the issue and get back on track.

Try the following four-part recipe. It will help you restore your self-confidence, stop worrying, and work on resolving the issue:
Stop for a while, and consider the worst thing that can happen as a result of your current situation.
Resolve to accept the worst case if it happens. Once you accept the worst, you don't have anything to worry about, and so your mind calms down immediately.
Think about all the possible actions you could take if the worst thing happened, and make a note of them.
Start taking action, anything you can do to improve your situation upon the worst case. Your goal is to minimize the damage, not to have your ideal situation. Focus single-mindedly on taking the actions you have specified, and refuse to be a victim to worrying anymore until you have done whatever you can do about your situation.
Once you go through taking the required actions, you will receive some more information from your environment as time goes by, and so you may have to change your approach, while having your destination in mind.

No matter what happens in our lives, we can resolve the issue through using our minds and taking the required actions. But we normally start worrying, and as a result, our brains shut down. When we cannot think clearly, we cannot do anything that will help us resolve even the simplest issues.
When you take purposeful actions in the direction of your goals, you stay calm no matter what happens. Moreover you do realize that problems come not to obstruct, but to instruct. If you had not dealt with all the undesirable and seemingly unfortunate situations before in your life, you would not be the strong person your are now. Is it not true?

It is time to take some actions:
Embrace your problems voluntarily. Refuse to run away from them. There are seeds of valuable lessons in each of them. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Do one thing each day that scares you." Consider your situation, analyze it properly, decide what you can do to resolve the issue, identify the possible action steps, plan it, schedule it, and take massive action.
Refuse to feel sorry for yourself, and your current situation. Also refuse to blame your problems on anybody else even if they think they are partly responsible. Instead assume total responsibility for your life, and whatever happens to you, and focus on the solutions to your problems. Over time, you will get better and better at solving problems. Thank you for your attention.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Success Does Not Bring You Happiness.

What do you really want from your life? Have you ever thought about this question?
Have you ever noticed the trends in society? The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer all the time. Is it that they are destined to have such lives? Have all the rich hit the lottery sometime, or have had affluent families? Have the rich all been so lucky and got rich through some channel that has not been available to the poor? Is somebody or something holding us back from doing what we know we should do to get out of the situation we are in, and we hate? You all know the answers to these questions. Different people might have different points of views, but we all know for sure that “No Pain No Gain” is correct. We can’t sit around, watch TV, and hope and wish that things will get better sometime into the future when that person stops doing that, or when that person starts realizing that, etc.
Many People really don’t take the time to know themselves at all. They have a vague idea of who they are, what they want, and what their values are. Most people though, know very well what they don’t want, and that’s why we are experts at complaining.
You see, the world is full of opportunities. There is enough even if the population of the earth quadruples. We usually don’t see what we have, and concentrate on what we don’t have. That keeps us from taking advantage of what we already have, and so having this mindset, we stay where we are all the time.
Success really begins when you realize that you are totally responsible for your life and what happens to you, that you cannot blame anything on anybody else, and that, in order to be a success, you need to know yourself very well, maybe much better than your mother knows you. You don’t want to end up accomplishing something that is of no value to you, that you thought it was when you started in the first place. Having this in mind, you can plan it, schedule it, and start working on it until you accomplish it.
Maybe fully 95% of the money in the whole world is being earned only by 3% of the population of the world. They are not very different from you and me. They don’t have extra hours either. What makes them distinguished from the crowd is their mindset.
Most people would tell you that they want to earn $50,000 a month. They might tell you this as their goal. But then, they do not really know what they would do with $50,000 a month, simply because they do not know who they really are. Even if you find them a way to earn the money they want, they will most probably quit their goal, somewhere in the middle of the way simply because it is too hard to keep doing what they need to do to realize their dreams.
It is not that people are not powerful enough to realize their goals. They sure are, to do anything with their lives. The point is that, we often do not have the “why” behind what we do. You see, the “why” is what drives you forward no matter how hard it is to push forward. When you know the “why”, you either find a way or make one. There is simply no room for failure.
The first step here would be to start from our values, so we know ourselves better, and so we can make informed decisions along the way. I will write more about values later. Please stay tuned. Thank you for your attention.

Friday, September 24, 2010

your Inner Dialogue Determines Your Life Quality

Your Inner Dialogue Determines Your Emotions, And Consequently Your Life.
Many different things happen around us every second of every day. We like some of them, and don’t like some. Whether we like them or not, they have been happening and will be happening for the rest of our lives. I do not think it would be my best statement to say that we had better get used to them. Rather, I would say, we had better understand the meaning of them, and if we don’t understand them just yet, avoid jumping to conclusions, and wait for the time we can.
There are some events in our lives that really don’t make any sense at least when they happen. But , we realize that they all had to happen for us to be here now, and the kind of person that we are now.
Life is absolutely phenomenal if you know your purpose, understand the fact that this moment is the prerequisite of the next to come, and every moment must be lived to the fullest.
You can interpret every moment of your life in the most powerful and supportive way possible, and that does determine your next moment. The accumulation of all these determine the quality of your whole life.
In whatever happens in our lives, there is the seed of a valuable lesson that we need to learn and grow. It is easy to interpret anything as bad luck, etc. , but those who are really willing to see the actual lesson/s, rather than the incident, are always the winners regardless of what happens to them. Thank you for your attention.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Summery on "Crunch Point by Brian Tracy", Chapter 1

Assert Control Immediately

“He that would be superior to external influences must first become superior to his own passions.” –Benjamin Disraely

Your life is can be full of quite a lot of setbacks that would normally tend to frustrate us all. They do happen to literally everybody on earth. Different people have different approaches to the things that happen to them. Your mental approach to the different issues in your life determines how you live your life.
We have a wonderful nervous system, with 100 billion cells, all working together, and cooperating to organize our bodies. Right now, you might be using only 3-8% of your mind. The rest of it simply is not used my many all throughout their lives. It has been said that Enstein used only 15% of his mind, and I think there is anybody that does not know about him. You have all the mental power that you will ever need to deal with any problem that may face in your whole life. The problem is that we come to this world without a user’s manual. We do not know how to use our resources efficiently. The 21 ways that are going to be discussed here, are some of the ways that you could use to organize your life in a better way, and use your resources better.

Most people, when excited or in doubt, start shouting. That shuts down your brain immediately and literally paralyzes you.
When something goes wrong, the best thing to do is to stay calm, and analyze the situation first. Instead of overreacting to the situation, if we first analyze it, and decide the right course of action to take, we will definitely have much better results than if we just automatically react to the situation. Although most of us have got used to generalizing everything, we can start training our brains. Generalization is when you decide that something that has happened now, means exactly the same as something that happened before, and by the way, was not probably very pleasant. Or even worse, sometimes we attach some meanings to some events, and then, probably after some time, we realize that we were totally wrong, and for example that person did not really mean to offend us; it was not to be taken personally.
This is when we should stop for a moment, study the situation carefully, dismiss negative thoughts from our thinking, and really understand the nature and meaning of the event before doing anything about it.
There are many ways you could stop the autopilot mode for a while, when you need to, and reactivate it later if you really think you need to.
Whenever something happens that you think is going to upset you, and probably make you do anything that you might regret later, pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and see yourself as a leader. Ask yourself as many of the following questions as you need to:
What would a leader do in this situation?
If I was a role model for others, how would I behave now? How would I respond?
How would I behave if I wanted to set a good example, or I were to give a lesson?
How would I behave if I were to prove my ego wrong, if I did not want to win, and instead wanted to let the other person win and feel good?

You could then act according to the answer you would get to those questions. You always know what the right thing to do is, only you need to come out of the auto pilot mode, and consciously take control.
There are two big enemies to success. They usually exist in most of us, if not all of us. We are almost always held back by “the fear failure”, and “the fear of rejection”You experience the fear of failure when you are too concerned about the future, and you are afraid you might fail to accomplish something way down the road. It takes you from taking the actions that may or may not lead you to having your desired results sometime in the future. But how will you know if you are going to have the results sometime in the future, if you don’t take the necessary actions in the first place? Taking calculated risks would be a good way to overcome the fear of failure. Also using your intuition might help a lot.
You experience the fear of rejection when you are afraid you might be criticized by the people around you if you took a certain course of action, especially by those who, you look up to, and need their approval the most, like your parents or your spouse. The fear of rejection comes in the way of your natural flow of thoughts, and will paralyze you.
The fear of failure and rejection are unfortunately taught to us when we are still very young, maybe even before we turn 6, by our parents, education, or even sometimes our culture, and stay with us all throughout our lives. We could get rid of them though, if we consciously take action to eliminate them.
Thanks for reading. Please stay tuned. I will update this article shortly.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Summery on "Crunch Point" by Brian Tracy

This is a summery that I have written on a book titled, “Crunch Point”, by Brian Tracy. I hope you can find useful information here.


No matter where you are in your life or business right now, you have had hard times, when it seemed absolutely impossible to move on any further. And you are going to have the same all throughout your personal and professional life.
You might face financial problems; you might have problems with your relationships; or you might have problems with your family. No matter which of the above happens to you, they are all similar in nature, and could be tackled efficiently with the right and supporting mindset.
You may be an organized person and have everything in place in case anything happens in the future. But no matter how organized you are, there are always circumstances nobody knows about until they happen. People you might depend highly on, could die, a major income stream of yours could all dry up due to some reason you would not like at all, but it might happen, and a lot of similar situations.
Now the question is, how are you going to handle the different situations in your life, so you always live reasonably happily and come out of every situation in your life with a higher level of knowledge and maturity?
Between 1934 and 1961, the historian Arnold Toynbee wrote his twelve-volume series, A Study of History, in which he examined the rise and fall of twenty-six civilizations over 3,000 years. Much of what he discovered applies to our lives and businesses as well, since there are similar trends in history that keep repeating themselves as time goes on. He developed the Challenge Response Theory of History based on his research. He discovered that every civilization began as a small tribe or group of people suddenly faced with a challenge from the outside, usually another group or tribe. In business, the other group could be our business rivals or competitors, or the unexpected changes taking place in the marketplace.
Toynbee found that in order for them to survive, the leader constantly had to reorganize the tribe according to the challenges faced, and move on. If the leader made the right decisions, and took the right actions, the tribe would get through the situation, stronger than before. In the process of growing, they would have to confront other tribes, rise to the challenge they initiated themselves, and keep moving on. It is very interesting to note that there were even very small tribes, but because constantly made the right decisions, and took the right actions, eventually became a kingdom, or even large civilizations, controlling vast lands, treasures, and people.
From the time you start in business, you inevitably have to confront problems, and they will never end. The universe reorganizes itself in a way that you have problems to solve every single day. We can call them problems, challenges, opportunities that let us learn and grow, or whatever else we may want to call them, but they are here to stay. We can’t predict them, but we can choose how we are going to deal with them. The only part of the equation that is in our control is our response to the challenge.
You see, life without challenges would not mean anything, although we all are constantly trying to get to the point where there are no more problems. As we go along and deal with seemingly different situations, we grow in knowledge, wisdom, experience, and maturity. There is no end to this process though. Friedriche Nietzsche once wrote, “What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.”
The key to living a reasonably happy life is to be able to rise to the challenge, and apply your solution right on time. If your solution works, it is great. If not, while focusing on finding the right solution, and not the problem, you should find another solution that you think it works, and apply it. If again your solution does not work, find another one. You should keep repeating this process until one of your solutions works. In the process of devising solutions to different problems, you will automatically add different tools to your life toolbox, and you can apply them to your future challenges, if you think they are similar in nature to your past ones.
All the leaders probably have one characteristic in common. They are able to function well in a crisis. They single-mindedly focus on the solution and the specific actions they can take to solve the problem. Leadership could be defined as the ability to solve problems, of all kinds, including huge problems that arise suddenly and unexpectedly.
The good news is that you do have the ability to solve any kind of problem that you face in your life. There is no problem in the world that you can’t solve, if you apply your intelligence and sometimes your intuition. There are 21 secrets that if you apply them to your day to day lives, you will tackle complex problems much easier. I will tell you about them in subsequent articles. Please stay tuned. I will update this article every day.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

You Can Create Your Own Future (By Brian Tracy)

The management guru Peter Drucker wrote, "The very best way to predict the future is to create it." Everyone wants to be happy, healthy, popular, prosperous, and successful in whatever they do, but the only way for you to achieve and enjoy all that is that is possible for is to create your own future. And the good news is there have never been more opportunities, in more different areas, for you to fulfill you dreams and goals than there are today. Your chief aim in life should be to take full advantage of everything that your world had to offer.
There are basically two types of people in our world, the active and the passive. Only about 10% are proactive, and although they are very much in the minority they are the movers and shakers in every area. They are the people who take their lives into their own hand and make things happen. They accept complete responsibility for themselves and the results of their actions. They dare to go forward in the face of risk and uncertainty. When you decide to create your own future, you join this vital minority. You begin to push to the front of the line in your own life.
The majority of people tend to be passive in their responses and reactions to life, constantly wishing and hoping that something good will happen to them. They buy lottery tickets, watch television endlessly, and complain about their situations. They resent successful people, but they are not willing to make the efforts that others have made to achieve what they have achieved. They live their lives like people waiting for a bus on a street where no buses go.